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Your heart knows the way. Run in that direction.-2.png
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My dharma

 I am passionate about helping people of all ages reach their highest potential.  This is my life purpose, my dharma.


 I believe that everyone has the potential to live a life of joy, abundance, and fulfillment.  I guide my clients in uncovering their unique gifts and talents, so they can create a life that is meaningful and fulfilling.  Together, we can create change in the world, by being the change in the world.

My Story

After 8 years, I made a difficult decision to leave the teaching field.  I finally allowed myself to acknowledge what "burnout" meant, and that I was definitely experiencing it. As with any major shift in life, I had to break up with the character that I had identified myself with since the moment I graduated high school. 


I welcomed this spiritual side of myself that I had kept buried without even realizing it.  I began peeling the onion. At times it made me feel very raw, and like my skin burned to show up and be seen.  My eyes opened to the ways I had played small, and the areas where I wasn’t setting healthy boundaries that respected my values.   


That journey became an integral part of my “why.”  I continue to follow the path of a teacher, coach and a leader, but I’ve really integrated the visionary aspect of my purpose.


My mission is you help you align with your highest self

 by guiding you through the darkness of challenging moments, reacquainting you with the fragments of your soul that you lost or buried, so that you can see your unique light with clarity and confidence to share it with others.

After 8 years, I made a difficult decision to leave the teaching field. I finally allowed
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